Thursday, December 27, 2007


I used to hate this time of year. It reminded me of how often the world lives in untruth. I was told by the newscasters that St. Nick was seen on the east side of town and was headed my way. I always wished for something extravagant and this St. Nick never brought it to me. When I came of age and learned the whole world was lying to me, I was a mess and than wondered if Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit were fictitious as well. I than hated the lights , the trees , the music, etc.

It seems to me that this little myth has allowed the JW's and other cults to call us deceitful to our face and to be correct in their assessment.

Yet today I realize the world is not so black and white. It is true Jesus was not born on Dec. 25th but it is also true that I can see some good in the midst of this darkness. I am no longer offended. I just tell the true story as best I can and than proceed to enjoy singing O' holy night, or silent night ,or even drummer boy without guilt or anger because I now process a Spirit of joy everyday. He is not angry at Christmas. He wants us to enjoy days off of work and to enjoy family togetherness, and good food. He wants us to think of giving to the poor at least once a year. He wants the story of Jesus to be talked about.

As Paul said, once It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16 The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17 The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.[a] 18 But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

This text does not directly apply but it does relay a principle. God can work in the midst of consumerism, and materialism, and yes worldly lies.
I believe the church must not condone these lies. We must be people of truth. We must be light and salt everyday. But my testimony is that God did heal me and I can rejoice always now. I pray no other child is wounded by this well meant deceit but if so; God is still large and in charge. Rejoice life is full of inconsistencies. Eat the meat and discard the bones. But try yourself to only give your love ones meat.

beating the air

Apostle Paul once said he does not fight aimlessly.He is not one who beats at the air or shadow boxes. "Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air." 1 cor. 9:26.

How often we christians seem to be aimless. We seem like we don't know that the goal of the church is to make disciples and not just consumers of religious goods.

I was once talking to a gang member who told me why they often beat those who want to join their "family". He said, the beating must last at least three minutes. If the person is knocked unconscious, the clock stops and than resumes upon their awakening. They have to do this to see if the person will punk out.

He said, when I am in a battle with you at my side, I need to know you "got my back". You won;'t run when things get tough.

It seems ill fated and wrongheaded to join these gangs but at least they try to have some rational for their initiation.

We seem to only say walk the aisle and repeat this prayer. People than live any way they see fit and may come to church sometimes.

I think we need to let them know . It is not membership but discipleship that Christ desires and discipleship is costly. Salvation is free but the results of true repentance is progressive discipleship.

otherwise your christian walk is just beating at the air aimlessly


Saturday, August 18, 2007

a sobering retreat

Our retreat was glorious as we expected. Two pastoral teams came to share with us. Both were husband and wife teams. Because of the gift mix we expected good teaching, preaching, healing, prayer and prophecy. All of these things occurred.

But what was really striking was the cohesiveness of the messages from the two teams. Both felt strongly led to speak on the priority of forgiveness in order to establish intimacy with God.

There were moments of laughter as each shared on some difficult situations and people they had to deal with and how God taught them each to begin to walk in humility.

So more important than the vocal gifts or spectacular manifestations of the Spirit was the penetrating warning against bitterness, resentment, outburst of anger, and unforgiveness in general.

Let me ask you reader –how are you doing with keeping the flow of God coming through you free and clear of bitterness? Husbands and wives may be particularly at risk because of their closeness, familiarity, and the attacks of Satan. Remember one scripture warns that marital conflict; unresolved, can hinder ones prayer life. It lessens ones effectiveness. Because we are taught one can put a thousand demons to flight but two can put ten thousand.

But married couples are not the only ones at risk. Singles can become selfish and live in their own little secluded worlds. Any intrusions by the needs of others can lead to conflicts and resentment, if we are not careful. Single people are required to work just as hard on keeping relationships healthy and unhindered by anger.

It really interested me that Nujeru would receive such a warning. Our church is small and intimate and thus open to many intense feelings.

Do you think that we sometimes believe the church can help relieve all of our problems with very little effort from ourselves? Do we often want others to bare more of our burden than we--ourselves are willing to bear? I call this the entitlement trap. So, when others refuse to enable us-we take on hard feelings, begin to gossip and slander. This is not of Christ but the flesh. This opens a way for the enemy to take advantage of us. We may become sour faced, depressed, angry and often isolate from the fellowship.

The messages at this retreat call us to beware and to gain insight into the ways of Satan. We must refuse to be childish in our emotions and interactions with one another. We must grow up in all aspect into Christ.

We were told not to romanticize the notion of forgiveness. It is more than a simple prayer and off we go to conquer the world. It is hard, painful, gut wrenching work. It takes the power of the Holy Spirit to show us our true condition. We must cry out to God—“create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me”

He will often show us that more work needs to be done within us even after we believe it is all finished.

It was good to receive such a mature word. This tells us God has great things in store for Nujeru. He believes we are up for the challenge. He wants to sanctify us and consecrate us unto a good work.

Yes, I must say, this was a great retreat.

Pray for me. I want to walk in a spirit of quick forgiveness of any offense.

Love Ya

Pastor B

Thursday, August 2, 2007

retreat prep

well we are about to go on retreat as a church. I am excited. We have a number of new people coming and I can't wait to see what God will do. We are focused on coming to Him. He said, to come if we are weak and burdened. in other words those who are totally strong and healthy need not apply.

He calls us away from the Pots and Pans of life. You remember Mary and Martha don't you? Martha was sooo worried about the dinner that she missed the Lord of life. Now I am always one for dinner but some things only come once in a while. Thank God I have enough to eat dinner on a regular basis without much of a problem-- my problem is more with leaving dinner and the pots and pans to be with my Lord.

This retreat will give me time to expect and wait on something new and significant from God. Of course I can't force God's hand. But I am told if we ask for bread he will not give a stone. If we ask for fish , a snake he will not give. It is the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. I want His Kingdom rule to dominate my life.

so pray with and for us. It is going to be a great retreat. I will tell you all the impact of it when I return

Pastor B

Monday, July 23, 2007

A God that sees you

The story of Hagar has been staying on my mind lately. I just read it a few weeks ago but it lingers. She was the African girl used by Abraham and Sarah to surrogate the first son Ishmael. She was a slave and had little or no say about the conjugal visits.

After achieving thier goal. Sarah and Abraham wanted to rid themselves of the problem. She ran away to a desert place and prepared to die. But our God intervened. From this venerable position, Hagar became the first women to name God in scripture. She called Him the "God who sees me." She also names her son Ishmael--"God hears me"

I don't know about you but for me there are times when I feel God does not see me or hear me. In this world where one is often pushed aside, one calls for help and gets a recorded message, one tries to have integrity and still is taken advantage of---in a world like this one can feel ignored or even hated. Dr. King said hatred is not the worst thing you can do to a person but indifference is worst still.

People today seem soooooo indifferent. They don't care about ill responsive leaders or even sinful leaders. They are indifferent.

I have been know to be indifferent myself but I am glad to know I serve a God who sees me and hears me. I am often lonely and voiceless but God sees and hears me. I want you to know he hears you as well. The Word says He will hear anyone who cries out to Him. Yes anyone includes you my friend. Just cry out to him today --please take this advice. a good cry can help especially to the God who hears and sees.

love ya

Pastor B

Friday, July 13, 2007

Greetings and Welcome to my new blog. This blog will officially launch the week of July 18th. Please tune in as I will post various topics pertaining to all the issues that are important in your spiritual journey.

Feel free to check out this blog at anytime. You can also feel free to not only read my entries, but you can post your comments as well.

If you would like to know when I post a new blog entry, please visit the NuJeru website and leave your name/email in the contact section.

As always, I am looking forward to worshiping with you.

Pastor Roberson