Tuesday, June 3, 2008

black and white thinking

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Washington DC based Christian Defense Coalition comments, "It is painfully clear that Senator Obama has publicly discarded decades long relationships because his church has become a hindrance to his political aspirations.
"Only one of the two following options may be true; for the past twenty years Senator Obama was a member of a church fellowship that was the foundation of his spiritual and moral reasoning -- or -- he sat in the pew of Trinity United Church simply for the political gain such relationships could bring.

"If Trinity United Church was simply a club to improve Obama's standing in the community, then he is consistent in discarding his membership today, when such gain is gone.

"But if his church membership was truly spiritual -- then this action shows a fundamental lack of integrity. Obama's resignation of membership in Trinity United Church demonstrates that he will trade even on his faith for political advantage.

This is a stupid article. Things are not so black and white, either// or. There are more than two possible reasons for leaving. The church has been in danger from bomb threats and media spies have come to every worship service. The church is also going through a major transition, the retirement of its 30 year long pastor.
They need time to bond with the new pastor but the entire spotlight is on Obama and his enemies who are using the church to stop, what may be his calling from God, his presidential bid.

At the same time, Obama is growing and changing. How many people still believe at age 46 everything they did at age 22?
Or how many of you are still in a church for twenty years. Most people are not.

I can remember when my views changed from that of my pastor of twenty years. He wished me well and said he had given me all he had to teach. It was time I move on and expand on his teachings. As I pastor today I have done just that.
Stop trying to judge Obama's heart, wait and see what the Lord might do. He is fighting the powers of darkness and is in need our prayers. He will never, never do everything right. Most other presidents don't even have a twenty year membership in any church. Think about that.